All Kids Count History
Developing Immunization Registries: Experiences from the All Kids Count Program
Jose F. Cordero, Fernando A Guerra, Kristin
Nicholson Saarlas (eds.)
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Supplement
to Vol. 13, No. 2, March/April 1997. 128 pp.
A compilation of articles representing the experience
of the All Kids Count I projects through their third
year of implementation (Fall 1996). Articles are organized into four sections: policy and planning, technical
issues, functions of a registry system, and evaluation. The articles are formative in nature, describing the process projects have undergone when developing their immunization registries. The
supplement concludes with lessons learned, recommendations and a commentary on future direction by the Director of the National Immunization Program
(NIP) and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. ORDER
All Kids Count National Program Evaluation Project Report, Implementation Year Four: November 1, 1996 - October 31, 1997
Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, September 1998, 87 pp. plus appendix. In a five-year evaluation of All Kids Count Phase I, The Sheps Center
looked at two basic questions: Can childhood immunization monitoring and follow-up systems be implemented effectively? And, if implemented, can these systems improve the linkage of child
populations with primary care services? This report focuses on the first question and captures the progress, challenges, obstacles and lessons learned about the development and implementation of
immunization registries from 19 projects over the course of four years (1993-1997). Data were collected from various sources, including a
comprehensive annual questionnaire, measurement of progress against stated goals and objectives, site visits, projects' annual progress
reports, interviews and project briefs. The evaluation tracks the progress of individual projects to identify factors that promoted or
detracted from success and effectiveness, as well as progress in the aggregate. The evaluation provides information about what it takes to
implement a registry: key steps and tasks involved in establishing an immunization registry and how to best accomplish them; important
factors that support establishment of a registry; challenges and pitfalls to avoid. ORDER
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